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City of Palm Coast, Florida

Click here for Palm Coast Animal Control         City of Palm Coast ONLINE PET LICENSE RENEWAL

Sec. 8-51. License tag required/other pets.(a)   Every person owning, keeping, harboring or controlling any rabies-susceptible animal within the City, or bringing any rabies-susceptible animal, except livestock, into the City, shall within 30 days of bringing such animal into the City, register said rabies-susceptible animal, except livestock, with the City and obtain a license tag number.(b)   The required license tag shall be worn by the rabies-susceptible animal at all times unless a licensed veterinarian or the animal control officer shall certify that the wearing of a tag is impossible, impractical or dangerous to the particular type of animal involved.(c)   The City Council may assess fees for the purpose of administering the provisions of this Code by adopting a resolution establishing said fees.(d)   The provisions of this section shall be in compliance with the requirements of F.S. § 828.28.(Ord. No. 2010-10, § 26, 7-20-10) 


City of Flagler Beach, Florida

Sec. 5-6.  Requirements for registration/licensing of animals.

(a)   Registration/licensing requirements.  Every dog or cat over four (4) months of age that remains in the city for more than thirty (30) days shall be registered/licensed. Registration/licensing of each animal shall include the owner's name, address, telephone number, emergency contact and veterinarian/vaccination information. A registration/license must be obtained from city hall or a source participating with the city by showing a valid rabies vaccination certificate. 

(b)   Duration.  Each registration/license is valid for one (1) fiscal year (October 1 to September 30) regardless of the type of rabies vaccination that was administered. Owners are required to provide notice of any change in information within twenty (20) days of such change. 

(c)   Replacement registration/license/tag.  In the event of loss or destruction of a valid registration/license tag, the owner of the dog or cat shall obtain a replacement registration/license. 

(Ord. No. 2002-30, § 1(Exh.A), 12-12-02)


City of Bunnell, Florida



Sec. 10-211. - Required.

All dogs and cats, six weeks and older, kept, harbored or maintained by their owners in the city, shall be licensed in accordance with this article.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 27, 6-2-87)

Sec. 10-212. - Exemptions.

The licensing provisions of this article shall not apply to dogs or cats brought into the city for the purpose of participating in any dog or cat show, nor to Seeing Eye dogs properly trained to assist blind persons when such dogs are actually being used by blind persons for the purpose of aiding them in going from place to place.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 28, 6-2-87)

Sec. 10-213. - Annual issuance; fee.

Dog and cat licenses shall be issued annually by the clerk of the city or his designee upon payment of a license fee established by resolution set by the city.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 29, 6-2-87)

Sec. 10-214. - Application.

The owner shall state, at the time application is made for a dog or cat license, and upon printed forms provided for such purpose, his name and address; the name, breed, color and sex of each dog or cat kept by him; and a certificate by a licensed veterinarian showing that each dog or cat has a current vaccination against rabies.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 30, 6-2-87; Ord. No. 1995-6, § 6, 9-5-95)

Sec. 10-215. - Term; time for application; delinquency penalty.

The city clerk or his designee shall issue a numbered license valid for one year, beginning October 1 and expiring September 30. Applications for licenses must be made prior to and for 30 days after the start of the licensing year, without penalty, but when an involuntary application is made more than 30 days after the licensing year has elapsed, the applicant shall be assessed a penalty of 50 percent of the license fee, which paid amount shall be added and collected with the regular license fee. Licensing fees shall be set by resolution of the city commission.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 31, 6-2-87; Ord. No. 1995-6, § 7, 9-5-95)

Sec. 10-216. - Issuance; tag; recordkeeping.

Upon payment of the license fee, the city clerk shall issue to the owner a license certificate and a tag for each dog or cat so licensed. The city clerk shall keep records of all licensed animals.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 32, 6-2-87)

Sec. 10-217. - Collar required; duty to display tag.

Every owner shall be required to provide each dog with a collar to which the license tag must be affixed, and shall see that the collar and tag are constantly worn. Every owner shall be prepared to present each cat license documentation to the animal control officer or law enforcement officer on request.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 33, 6-2-87; Ord. No. 1995-6, § 8, 9-5-95)

Sec. 10-218. - Duplicate tags.

In case a dog or cat tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate will be issued by the animal control officer, upon presentation of a receipt showing the payment of the license fee for the current year, and the payment of a fee in the amount established in section 30-91 for such duplicate.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 34, 6-2-87)

Sec. 10-219. - Tags nontransferable; refunds.

Dog and cat tags shall not be transferable from one dog or cat to another, and no refunds shall be made on any dog or cat license fee because of the death of the dog or cat or the owner's leaving the city before the expiration period.

(Ord. No. 1987-3, § 35, 6-2-87)

Secs. 10-220—10-250. - Reserved.

After Hours Emergency

Animal Emergency Volusia
696 S. Yonge St. Ormond Beach, FL

Animal Emergency Deland
2100 E New York Ave, DeLand, FL 32724

1100 S. Ponce De Leon Blvd, Suite #1, St. Augustine, FL 32084

VECEV (Veterinary Emergency Center East Volusia)
2300 S. Ridgewood Ave. South Daytona, FL 32119




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